If parents accidentally unbind the account from the camera, please follow the steps below to reset and re-pair:
Reset Steps
Please use the reset pin or paperclip from the accessory box to complete the following reset process:
1. Plug in CuboAi
Do not reset under the light blue indicator (booting up indicator) unless it stays stuck at the light blue indicator.
2. Insert the reset pin or paperclip horizontally into the "4th hole from the left on the 2nd row" on the back of CuboAi
3. Press and hold the reset button until you hear a "click" sound, then wait for about 10 seconds
4. After 1 to 2 minutes, when CuboAi chirps and the light changes from "light blue" to "green", it is ready to be set up again
If you have any further questions, please contact us through the following channels:
- In-App: Settings → Chat With Us
- Facebook Messenger: m.me/cubobabymonitor
- Email: support@cuboai.com
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