If the main account owner enables the CuboAi Care Premium / CuboAi Care Ultimate subscription service, you will be able to share the Sleep Reports and Moments Wall to family sharing account members.
An admin account will have the same access rights as the main account owner. However, other family-sharing members may be able to have access to the various features depending on the family-sharing permission settings, as detailed below:
- Will Family Sharing members be able to view and record the 18 Hour Playback footage?
If the main account owner enables the “18-Hour Playback” in the family sharing permission settings, the family sharing members will be able to watch and take recordings from the 18 Hour Playback footage.
🐤 CuboAi Reminder: All images and videos recorded from the 18-Hour Playback will appear on the Moments Wall. If the “Moments Wall’’ family sharing permission is enabled, the family sharing members will be able to view the saved photos and videos from the 18-Hour Playback.
- Can Family Sharing members view the Moments Wall?
If the main account owner enables the “Moments Wall” in the family sharing permission settings, the family sharing members will be able to view the photos and videos on the Moments Wall.
- If you are subscribed to CuboAi Care Premium Plan, all photos and videos will be kept on the Moments Wall for 30 days.
- If you are subscribed to CuboAi Care Ultimate Plan, all photos and videos will be kept on the Moments Wall for 90 days.
🐤 CuboAi Reminder: If the “Hear Audio” permission is disabled, family sharing members will be able to see the photos and videos on the Moments Wall, but will not be able to view the videos.
- Can Family Sharing members save the Notification Page footage?
Yes, Family Sharing members can also save the Notification Page footage to the Moments Wall.
🐤 CuboAi Reminder: If the “Hear Audio” permission is disabled, family sharing members can still save the Notification Page video to the Moments Wall. However, they will not be able to play the video, and can only see the thumbnail of the saved video on the Moments Wall.
- Can Family Sharing members view the Sleep Reports?
Yes, but only when the “view Sleep Reports” permission is enabled in the Family Sharing settings.
- If you are subscribed to CuboAi Care Premium Plan, you can view the Sleep Reports for the past 30 days.
- If you are subscribed to CuboAi Care Ultimate Plan, you can view unlimited Sleep Reports.
If you have any further questions, please contact us through the following channels:
- In-App: Settings → Chat With Us
- Facebook Messenger: m.me/cubobabymonitor
- Email: support@cuboai.com
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