💡Please ensure that the App and firmware is up to date
The team here at CuboAi is well aware of the importance of privacy and cybersecurity issues to our CuboAi parents. Therefore, we have introduced two new features: "Who's Online" and "Connection History."
Through these features, parents can view the login and live-feed viewing history of the admin and family-sharing account members. This not only helps protect privacy but also provides an additional layer of security, allowing parents to feel more reassured and at ease when using their CuboAi baby monitors.
Who's Online
To access the main screen of the App, click on the person icon in the lower left corner of the Live screen. You can then see the list of users currently logged into the App, arranged from newest to oldest. The current limit for online connections is 8 people (including yourself).
- Refresh button
: Users can click on the refresh icon at the bottom of the list to update the current status.
- If a user has enabled the “Background Audio” feature, they will still be counted as “online” even if they have exited the CuboAi app.
Connection History
Parents can follow the steps below to view the connection history records of the main account and shared family members within the past 24 hours in the App, arranged from newest to oldest
Step 1: Go to CuboAi App "Settings"
Step 2: Click on the camera with the baby's name at the top
Step 3: Wifi Settings
Step 4: Connection History
- Connection Icon: Indicates the date and time that the user accessed the app.
- Offline Icon: Indicates the date and time the user left the app.
🐦 Reminder:
- Only the main and admin accounts can view the “Connection History”.
- For users with multiple CuboAi devices, the Connection History of each baby monitor will be displayed separately.
- If the CuboAi app is opened on a device, it will be considered as "online". Even if the livefeed is not being viewed (eg. the user is checking the settings page, viewing the sleep report..etc, they appear on the "Who's Online" and "Connection History" list.
For any other questions, please contact customer service through the following channels:
- Contact us via In-App: Settings → Chat With Us
- Facebook Messenger: m.me/cubobabymonitor
- Email: support@cuboai.com
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