1. How does it work?
2. Ideal Setup
3. How to set Danger Zone in the CuboAi App?
4. Notification
5. Review Events
1. How does it work?
After setting a danger zone in the app, CuboAi/CuboAi Plus' AI will keep an eye on that area (as long as it’s visible on your screen) and alert you if Baby enters the area!
You can also use this feature to warn you when Baby starts crawling out of the crib by setting a danger zone at their favorite crib corner. Please note that because the Danger Zone alert is triggered by humans (not pets), you may get notifications when an adult is passing through the Danger Zone area.
2. Ideal setup
To fully utilize the Danger Zone alert function, we recommend setting up the Mobile Stand and placing CuboAi/CuboAi Plus on an elevated surface to capture the view of a wider area.
We do not recommend using the Floor Stand with this alert function in places other than Baby’s crib to avoid the potential event of the stand being pulled/knocked over by Baby.
3. How to set Danger Zone in the CuboAi App?
a. Go to the Home Page, Click Settings
b. Tap on the tab for your connected baby monitor at the top
c. Find "Danger Zone"
d. Click "Allow Alerts"
e. Set Danger Zone: A red frame with 4 adjustable corners will appear on the screen. You can drag the corners to customize the Danger Zone Area. You may also name this Danger Zone to provide more detail in notifications
f. After Set Danger Zone, Click "Save" on the top right corner
g. After the Danger Zone has been activated, you will receive an alert if someone enters the Danger Zone.
CuboAi Tip: You may enable or disable Danger Zone Alerts in Settings based on your needs.
4. Notification
When CuboAi baby monitor detects a Danger Zone entry, a notification will be sent to parents so they may investigate. Parents will also be able to preview photos that CuboAi baby monitor has taken to get a better idea of why the notification was sent:
- iPhone: After receiving a notification, press and hold the notification banner to preview the photo of the event
- Android phone: After receiving a notification, pull the notification down to preview the photo of the event
5. Review Events
You may review alerts and notifications on the ‘Notifications Tab’ for the last 7 days. Alternatively, you can go into full screen mode in the App and review the 18 hour video playback.
If you have any further questions, please contact us through the following channels:
- In-App: Settings → Chat With Us
- Facebook Messenger: m.me/cubobabymonitor
- Email: support@cuboai.com
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